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Pieter Goos

1616 - 1675

Pieter Goos (1616-75) was a Dutch copperplate engraver and map maker, whose father Abraham Goos (approx. 1590-1643) had already published numerous globes, land and sea maps together with Jodocus Hondius and Johannes Janssonius in Antwerp.
Pieter Goos was mainly working in Amsterdam, where he bought the copperplates of the famous guide book for sailors "De Lichtende Columne ofte Zeespiegel" (Amsterdam 1644, 1649, 1650) from Anthonie Jacobsz, which he published in several editions and various languages.
1666 saw the first publishing of "De Zee-Atlas ofte Water-Weereld", which is justly considered one of the best sea atlases of its time. It contains a splendid colorized world map in two hemispheres with two pole maps and a rich figurative work including sea maps of Europe, Great Britain and Ireland, the North Sea and the Baltic Sea, the English Channel, the Mediterranean and the Arctic Ocean as well as the Indian and Pacific Oceans.
Various regional maps of the European, Asian, African and American coasts contain careful records of water depths, sandbanks, port towns and islands close to the coast, making the "Zee-Atlas" an indispensable tool for the seafaring trade.

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